Saturday, March 26, 2016

The term "doll" to humans

Puppet is an expression of mock objects, the word "doll" can be reused in the designation of living beings. Basically, the term "doll" in living beings given as a reason there are few things that make it like a doll, maybe its nature, character, shape, position or any other. For example "human puppets" can refer to humans that is similar to a doll, or a man who loved dolls. Another expression "do not want to be a puppet" can mean not willing to be treated as a puppet, because in general the doll being used as a toy to be treated by others as he wishes and not the wishes of the doll, but as "puppets" in humans have a sense of the doll that has desire itself that is none other than the man.

Treatment of human to another human is almost like a treat doll actually exist anywhere. Not as special as puppet plays in plays or movies and soap operas. In essence, the opposition right of an individual to command others to do the "doll" can be called a "game doll". The fundamental reason is that when someone berkinginan, willing, or unwilling for a similar thing called cooperation, although there are some events that can manipulate it into a "game doll".
The conduct of an employer to the maid could be categorized "game doll", the agreement between the two parties is called collaboration but an employer may still consider a maid is a doll that can be treated arbitrarily. Giving orders is very practical without the remote control make the "game doll" is becoming more attractive and sophisticated. Movers and understanding the order of man himself who has a position as a "puppet" in the house. In the case of very visible visible on slavery. Although the same with auxiliary systems and employers but in the case of slavery, slave does not have as much rights as a maid, while a doll had no rights at all.
This incident can not be equated with God's own human events. Although as if God has a doll in the form of "human" and can be controlled by destiny, the story, the character, nature and so on, but there is a bond that is called religion, belief, recognition, promise, history and other designations between man and God. Imagine a doll that never realize that you have it and the doll did not object because you assume lifeless doll. There are some efforts have you made to create a doll that has changed as the better (of dress, by events, by name, and so on) or worse (mutilated, removed, destroyed, and so on). You also can make arrangements with dolls, for example, will memuseumkannya someday, or will burn someday, but unfortunately you do not have a doll lives. Even if these dolls will be forced to say he promised as the "will you", but unfortunately you can not create a spirit that can be separated from the body of the doll and talk to you, Even if it is only your imagination can. That's the difference between your event and dolls with you and the Lord.
Another example is the elderly and children, not naive if a child recognizes that he is a puppet of his parents. Even refused but is still being done for the sake of something called the willingness of parents. In this case also said to be working but not making money or possessions but the form of affection and human relationships even though there is no doubt also in it will be no money or possessions.
Another case in general in fact can be seen in everyday life when humans move other human beings for the sake of desire as the driving dolls. In friendship, lover, society and so on. It is undeniable that our position will be on a "doll" or not, therefore, be smart to be a "puppet". There are some people who revere her doll, there were only displayed them, trick or just move it. You just select wanted to be a Barbie, Teddy Bear, Vodoo, miniature, doll robot or something else?
Being an actor or actress is also not always play as the "Barbie doll" who should dazzle everywhere. Not always you dress and act as someone else, you can turn into a puppet who only displayed when viewed publicly, or rare precious dolls you can not be touched because it is difficult to find public. In social relations, too, such as when you become a lover, do not be a puppet robot who were told to do this and that by your boyfriend. Be a doll that is expensive because the treatment had to be expensive, it will benefit you not? However, all the positions that you have up on a whim, goal one is in the position that is different.

Boneka Sadis

Pada umumnya boneka dibuat sebagai tiruan dari benda atau makhluk hidup, lebih khusus lagi biasanya boneka dibuat dengan bentuk-bentuk distorsi yang menarik sehingga menjadi lucu, akan tetapi ada beberapa boneka yang sengaja dibuat agar tampak menakutkan. Boneka dengan penampilan menakutkan bisa dibuat dengan cara memberi penampilan seram atau sadis. Jarang ditemui boneka dengan tampilan sadisme berupa potongan tubuh atau luka yang sengaja dibuat dalam. Berikut contoh boneka tersebut, terbuat dari bahan keramik, tampilan yang menonjol adalah warna darah yang terlihat masih segar.

If you becoming a doll

If you become a doll, what do you want? (Select the doll first, then see the results below)
1. Barbie
2. Teddy Bear
3. Stuffed Robot
4. Dolls in Museum
5. Vodoo's doll

1. Being your Barbie dolls will wear makeup every day, you will play as a female or male lovers female socialite. As an actor or an actress, you will be tired of playing a number of scenarios from your master, but the salary you get is also comparable, as beautiful skin is eternal, every day to go to the salon, have clothes fashionable, or has any couple who will always beautiful or handsome. The negative impact is that you will be addicted to shopping and always want to look more perfect than anyone.

2. Teddy Bear is a cute doll that has soft bristles. Looking at it already wanted to hug her, your face without sin and crime, that is what will happen to you. You would like a prostitute who embraced everyone, no women not men only. You are adorable, desired by everyone, smoothness of your skin will make people want to hold you and merabamu. Even some events you might be used as an outlet object of anger, happiness, sexual or simply as a footstool under his head and body. Uh, sometimes it hurts ... Imagine if you're already worn not cute anymore, could have taken guts mutilated and used as stuffing (if lucky).

3. The robot has a distinctive movement with remote commands. You are smart! no other dolls who could understand her employer other than you, you did understand others. As if the doll robot could hear, he will perform the command of the owner. Your life as a housemaid. Moving to and fro to carry out your master commands, to be honest you will be tired and complain in their hearts, but calm them but you will always be alive and effort was never reduced because each your battery discharged will recharge your master your battery.

4. The dolls are within Museum will usually always be maintained and protected, so you will be. You are the queen, admired by many people, everyone wants to have a chance to see and determine where you came from. You must not be touched even be played by anyone, you are so precious however bentukmu. Honorable is not it? : D Museum is your palace, guarded and broadcast. So be happy, though you will be hard to get along because your special thing.

5. Vodoo Doll is a kind of creepy dolls for ritual and functionality in the dibalikknya. People will think you're weird and they will cynically minded, well suited to you anti-social. You are indeed anti-social, but not just anyone dare to hang out with you because you mysterious and unpredictable. Usually your face and you look ugly, but not all Vodoo doll has the look ugly. You are and only have things that are important and are concerned with things that are useful. You will get used for bully the others with sinister aura. Indeed, you will be hurt by your master every now and then, but just take it you do not feel anything! Who will feel the pain of those who are hated by your master, the treatment of suffering was only a drama, if you be killed, will not feel anything. :) You really rich have mental illness so yes? : D

Bagaimana menjadikan pasanganmu sebagai sebuah Boneka?

Bagaimana menjadikan pasanganmu sebagai sebuah Boneka?
Mudah saja, karena dia adalah pasangan kekasihmu, jadikanlah dia sebagai boneka yang paling kamu sayangi.
1. Pertama, boneka itu selalu dibeli. Entah dengan uang, barter, hubungan baik atau dengan peruntungan (modal yang tidak kamu ketahui). Belilah boneka sesuai dengan harta yang kamu miliki, jika kamu memiliki kekayaan belilah dengan kekayaan, jika kamu memiliki daya tarik belilah dengan daya tarik, jika kamu memiliki kepandaian belilah dengan kepandaian seperti memanipulasi agar orang tersebut mau menjadi bonekamu (menyatakan cinta atau yang lainnya).
2. Kedua, boneka tidak pernah keberatan saat dia menjadi boneka. Buatlah pasanganmu untuk tidak menyadari bahwa kehadiranmu adalah sebagai seorang master atau pemilik. Jangan perlihatkan bahwa kamu seorang yang suka memerintah, kata perintah bisa kamu ganti dengan "tolong" atau "maukah kamu...". Perlihatkan sebagai wajah pemohon, bukan seorang majikan. Beri aksen cerita masuk akal, tetapi ceritakanlah dari sisi kelemahanmu.
3. Ketiga, sebuah boneka memerlukan kostum. Dandani bonekamu dengan dandanan yang kamu inginkan, caranya dengan berkomentar. Ini seperti melatih seekor hewan peliharaan untuk menunjukkan mana tindakan benar dan salah. Komentar pada setiap aksen aksesoris merupakan detail yang penting agar menjadi style yang kamu inginkan. Perlakuan ini semestinya sabar dan agak lama, karena masalahnya bonekamu itu punya nyawa sehingga punya selera. Berilah ia kostum sebab boneka hanya bisa memakai kostum yang diberikan pemiliknya.
4. Keempat, boneka yang memiliki nyawa seperti kekasihmu ini tentunya memiliki rasa takut dan perasaan manusia yang lain. Temukanlah kecacatannya, seperti ketika kita mengecek sebuah kecacatan boneka misalnya pada kulit boneka yang tidak rata, jahitannya yang kendor dan lain sebagainya. Pada boneka manusia lebih bervariasi, bisa dengan kecemasan, ketakutan, kekhawatiran ringan dan lain-lain. Jangan pernah nyatakan secara langsung jika kamu tidak mau bonekamu berontak. Cara ini paling licik untuk mengendalikan sendi gerak bonekamu yang kurang lancar itu.
5. Kelima, setiap boneka memerlukan pemeliharaan dan perawatan. Pemeliharaan yang baik akan mempertahankan kualitas bonekamu, pemeliharaan yang buruk bahkan bisa merusak bonekamu. Boneka robot yang rusak saja bisa melawan perintah bukan? Tidak dibatasi juga bisa mengambil alih pemiliknya seperti pada film boneka robot. Hal ini jangan sampai terjadi! Masalah pada tahap ini adalah bonekamu jenis boneka yang membutuhkan perawatan dan pemeliharaan yang mahal atau tidak? Misalnya seperti perawatan kulit, rambut, kebersamaan dengan "boneka-boneka lain", atau bahkan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang kamu berikan.
Well, kamu harus pintar memilih jenis dan kualitas boneka sebelum membeli. Ada kok, orang yang sampai menikahi bonekanya karena saking cintanya sama bonekanya. :)